Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My new blog

Hello All. This is my new blog. There will be posts as I feel the need to post them. For now I will introduce myself and my family and explain the title of my blog.

Welcome! I am Grace. I am 28 years old for another few weeks. I am married to Arnie(he's 29). We have been married for 7 years and we have 4 children. Stephanie our oldest is 9. Amanda is 7. The only boy, Michael is 6 and the "baby", Nicole is 5. We also have a large fuzzy child named Cujo. He is a Siberian Husky and Alaskan Malamute cross.

When Stephanie was born, Arnie was a big coffee drinker. As a result he gave her the nickname of "coffee bean" since like coffee, new babies tend to get you up in the morning and keep you up at night. It was eventually shortened to "bean". When Amanda was born she was a bean(she was tiny) and the name has stuck as a term of affection with all our children.

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